How CBD helps people sleep in the Pandemic

2 min readJan 6, 2022

This article on gives you some great looking options when you search for CBD Sleep Aids — . You mean i can eat some gummy bears and get better rest?! Ummmm…maybe? Or a dropper of ‘oil’ which may be effective but after you brush your teeth at night do you really want a big dropper of oil in your mouth?

They all LOOK good but what’s really going on here? The pay to play market for CBD has saturated online ‘publications’ to the point where a savvy consumer may think they’re getting the ‘Top 5’ or ‘Top 10’ best of something when in reality these companies are paying a fee to be included on these lists. All’s fair in the digital world these days but what we’re missing are some crucial facts about how CBD is processed in our bodies and what the best delivery method is.

I help run a small company called Nu Bloom Botanicals. Here’s a link to our Nano Sleep Spray —

Here’s where it gets interesting. It turns out when you shake up CBD into a very small ‘nanotized’ form and spray that under the tongue it gets absorbed FAST. And way more efficiently than gummies or tinctures, each of which deliver 20–40% of the original amount taken. Our spray gets you 80–90% instantly. And wait, THERER’S MORE. Ha. It’s minty. That’s right, you can brush your teeth and spray a little spritz and knock out quick.

The most amazing thing is-it works. That simple. And sleeping during the pandemic is more valuable than almost anything else, for mental health, physical recovery and spiritual serenity. My friends started this company because they needed help sleeping and almost half of all Americans and THE WORLD has the same problem. I hope we can help more people to sleep and feel better during such a wild time. Hit me up on IG anytime — @nubloombotanicals and I’ll answer any questions and even send you sample if you’re really fun and cool.

Nyla Durdin — Katie McDonald Photography Last Summer Collective




Author of The 727 Pound Marathon Man (coming Fall 2022). Co-founder Future Ghost Brothers. Poet. Word fiend.